Book goals for 2017 (Plus a possible giveaway)
I had an idea to do a giveaway tied in with some kind of book reading goal. I got the idea from Goodreads, which lets you set a goal of how many books you want to read for the year. But there's no way to set up that kind of contest, not without relying on people's honesty, which is not the best way to have a contest. So I'll decide on another option; probably through Amazon as it's the easiest way. I also have to decide what the prize will be, so if you guys have any suggestions let me know! I just finished reading Pirate Hunters, the book about finding the pirate shipwreck in the Caribbean. Which gave me the idea of giving away an authentic piece of eight from a Caribbean shipwreck; however, I didn't realize they were quite so expensive. Sorry guys, but I can't quite afford that prize! Stay tuned for more giveaway info!
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